Pawan Kalyan, Kajal's Sardar Gabbar Singh directed by Bobby is readying for grand release on April 8. Filmmakers released the audio tuned by Devi Sri Prasad couple of days back. Though the songs are monotonous, album is attracting many.
Song penned by Ananta Sriram, Tauba Tauba is attracting all. The song beat tune was inspired by Amitabh Bachchan's song 'Tauba Tauba' in his hit film Lawaris. Just like in Gabbar Singh how drunkards justify their criminal act of drinking, in Tauba Tauba filmmakers justified many crimes.
The song says when Indra and Co drink, Dharmaraj play cards, Rambha and Urvasi dance, all those are hailed and praised lavishly but when the same is done by common people they are blasted. Wonder how people will respond to this justification of crimes.
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