Allu Aravind and Naga Babu usually attend mega heroes’ functions. But none of them was spotted at the audio launch of Sardaar Gabbar Singh. Since Naga Babu fired on Pawan Kalyan ‘s fans at Chiranjeevi ‘s 60th birthday celebrations, he is rarely attending at events. Though he arrives at any function, he is seated in his reserved place but is not showing interest in going on to the dais. Allu Aravind not making presence at Sardaar audio launch has turned talk of the town. An interesting discussion is taking place in mega compound off the record. Sources say that differences have occurred between Pawan Kalyan and Allu Aravind. Going into detail, Allu Aravind has planned to release his son Allu Arjun starrer Sarrainodu in the direction of Boyapati Srinu on April 8th. Soon after knowing that powerstar Pawan Kalyan starrer Sardaar Gabbar Singh release has also been slated to the same date, the producer asked powerstar to change the release date of his film. But Pawan Kalyan clearly told Allu Aravind that he has given his word to Eros International and release date cannot be altered and he asked Allu Arvaind to change Sarrainodu release date if he wants to. The producer was irked with the distasteful answer and did not attend audio launch of Sardaar Gabbar Singh. In fact, he earlier got ready to release Sarrainodu in competition to Sardaar with the encouragement given by Allu Arjun and Boyapati Srinu. They later realized that it could cause loss to them. They imagined how media would project saying disputes in mega family etc and postponed release for two weeks.
Differences between Pawan Kalyan & Allu Aravind
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