Senior actor Venkatesh and his sister's son Naga Chaitanya share a close bond. Legendary producer D Ramananaidu always dreamed of making a grand multistarrer featuringhis grandsons. Even Venky and Chay said in a few interviews that they are willing to act in a film together, but could never come across a solid script till date.
Finally, Venkatesh and Chaitanya will be seen together in Chay's summer release, Premam. This real life uncle-nephew will be seen reprising themselves in Premam as Venky will be playing a guest role as Chay's doting uncle who doesn't think twice to even lash out at Chay's college principal.
The college scene featuring Venky and Chay will be shot very soon, according to the latest reports. In the original, Venky's role was played by popular Malayali actor and filmmaker Renji Panicker, who played Nivin Pauly's father.
The college scene featuring Venky and Chay will be shot very soon, according to the latest reports. In the original, Venky's role was played by popular Malayali actor and filmmaker Renji Panicker, who played Nivin Pauly's father.
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