Ram Gopal Varma who has been running out of thoughts has asked for the suggestions about tweeting last night and he finally settled on Pawan Kalyan. We are already very much aware about his tweets and tweet entertainment on Pawan Kalyan, here are few tweets he made on Pawan and especially about the release of Sardaar Gabbar Singh in Hindi.
“I want to tweet something because am getting bored..but am not able to tweetthink..any suggestions? I wish tremendously well for Pawan kalyan and tremendously unwell for the people around him who are so wrongly projecting SGS in Hindi. The inner wrong advisors in the inner circle of Pawan Kalyan are going to permanently destroy the outer circle of Pawan Kalyan. Pawan kalyan has a fantastic future in the outer circle and his inner circle people are fucking it up ..All his true fans should tweet him. All really true PK fans should inform PK that SGS’s outer circle in Hindi is being destroyed by his inner circle”.
“If any of the inner circle of PK have an inch of loyalty towards him they should tell him truth that SGS is not right for Outer circle. The inner circle of PK out of greed,stupidity and ignorance is pushing him into a space where his outer circle will be completely destroyed. All genuine PK fans should tell PK not to do this mistake and all fake PK fans including his inner circle I will talk to them on April 9th. Chiranjeevi garu who said SGS will be Sholay is an extremley inner outer circle. I said about SGS in Hindi as ultimate PK fan ..Will talk to fake fans and outer minded inner circle bad ppl around PK on April 8th”.
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