Power Star Pawan Kalyan who is racing against the time to wrap the entire shoot of his upcoming action and romantic drama “Sardaar Gabbar Singh” , directed by Bobby, recently flew to Switzerland for the shoot of remaining two songs. Chiranjeevi who understood Pawan’s dilemma suggested him to focus on the shoot because he knew that Pawan’s blessing would always with Srija. Already makers have announced the arrival of Sardaar Gabbar Singh at theaters on 8th April, so they are planning to get ready the first copy of the movie as soon as possible. The wedding of Srija with Kalyan is going to be held on 28th March at the farm house of Chiranjeevi and Pawan is planning to come back Bengaluru on 28th March for attending his niece wedding. There is expectation that he may not be able to attend the wedding of Srija because of his busy shoot schedule. On the other side, the friends and close relatives will join the family at Bengaluru tomorrow.
Will Pawan attend Srija’s wedding
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