SS Rajamouli’s directorial venture Baahubali was a visual treat and the major highlights of the movie was its war sequences. The movie received both appreciations and critics responses by the audiences. Baahubali which was released last year, has earned more than Rs 650 Crores and turned out highest grosser of Tollywood. Finally Baahubali won National award and Rajamouli announced that Baahubali 2 will be grander and bigger in compare of its first part.
It is heard that Rajamouli is planning massive war sequences for the second installment as the shoot of the war sequences will be started from May 2016 and will take more longer time. He promised that Baahubali:The conclusion will not disappoint to anyone. The movie starring Rebel star Prabhas, Rana, Tamannah, Anushka and Ramya Krishna. Already makers have announced the arrival of Baahubali 2 on 14th May 2017 at theaters.
It is heard that Rajamouli is planning massive war sequences for the second installment as the shoot of the war sequences will be started from May 2016 and will take more longer time. He promised that Baahubali:The conclusion will not disappoint to anyone. The movie starring Rebel star Prabhas, Rana, Tamannah, Anushka and Ramya Krishna. Already makers have announced the arrival of Baahubali 2 on 14th May 2017 at theaters.
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