The Hyderabad police have performed a sudden attack on Tollywood saint Navdeep's Chakrampalli farmhouse situated in Rangareddy on the edges of Hyderabad. As indicated by the reports, the cops were educated of a rave party at Navdeep's farmhouse, where a few film stars were drinking and hitting the dance floor with models and artists.
Be that as it may, all the film stars got away from the scene even before the cops could enter the farmhouse premises. The police captured Navdeep's supervisor and grabbed a colossal supply of imported alcohol. A case has been reserved and the cops are examining the matter.
Navdeep frequently stands out as truly newsworthy by discovering his name trapped in a few police cases. In the past as well, he was reserved for tipsy driving and attack on policemen on two or three events in Hyderabad and Papikondalu.
Be that as it may, all the film stars got away from the scene even before the cops could enter the farmhouse premises. The police captured Navdeep's supervisor and grabbed a colossal supply of imported alcohol. A case has been reserved and the cops are examining the matter.
Navdeep frequently stands out as truly newsworthy by discovering his name trapped in a few police cases. In the past as well, he was reserved for tipsy driving and attack on policemen on two or three events in Hyderabad and Papikondalu.
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