Ever since they flagged off the film's shooting way back in July 2013, the Baahubali team maintained the hype and hoopla surrounding the film till the end. The team, starting from Prabhas' birthday teaser, used to regularly post pictures and share other snippets from the shooting sets, which kept the fans ticking till the end and this in turn led to the film taking earth shattering openings.
Now, Baahubali unit is busy shooting the film's second part, The Conclusion. However unlike the first part, the team has become totally silent and inactive in terms of keeping the buzz going. Apart from a couple of leaked photos, and a couple more official working stills, nothing much is shown or seen about the world of Baahubali this time.
This has made all the hype on Baahubali 2 fizzle out among fans. In this scenario, it will be nice to see , the unit releasing some more stills or first look posters on Ugadi. With the film's first teaser slated for Dasara and trailer for Sankranthi, it is indeed a bit taxing on the fans to wait until such a long time.
This has made all the hype on Baahubali 2 fizzle out among fans. In this scenario, it will be nice to see , the unit releasing some more stills or first look posters on Ugadi. With the film's first teaser slated for Dasara and trailer for Sankranthi, it is indeed a bit taxing on the fans to wait until such a long time.
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