Tollywood Super Star Mahesh Babu is as of now bustling shooting for his upcoming performer Brahmotsavam under the direction of Srikanth Addala. The film is advancing at energetic pace and Mahesh is romancing gorgeous beauties Samantha, Kajal, Praneetha in the film which is a family entertainer. Notwithstanding this till now there is no clarity on the main female lead of Brahmotsavam but it is clear that it is not Pranitha. Amidst this, Kajal Aggarwal shared some fascinating privileged insights. Speaking to scribes, Kajal said,
“I am playing the role of an NRI and my role is not just confined to three letters. My role will attract with different characterisation too. As a NRI from Australia, I return to India and then fight for women’s rights to attain some goals. This role of mine in the film is a practical one. It is not a small thing to get opportunity to share screen presence with Mahesh once again. I am sure that we impress all.”
“I am playing the role of an NRI and my role is not just confined to three letters. My role will attract with different characterisation too. As a NRI from Australia, I return to India and then fight for women’s rights to attain some goals. This role of mine in the film is a practical one. It is not a small thing to get opportunity to share screen presence with Mahesh once again. I am sure that we impress all.”
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