Allu Arjun looks uber stylish in his latest poster of Sarrainodu audio release. Due to unknown reasons, Geetha Arts is releasing the audio directly into the market from April 1st and a pre-release event will be held in Vizag a week before its release on April 22nd.
Allu Arjun looked all in new style with twisted mustache, ear ring, shades and hair-do like never before. The teaser was a super hit with Bunny uttering that Oora Mass dialogue and with Boyapati Seenu being the director, the mass expectations on movie have gone too high. And Allu Aravind being the producer, they say that he is sure to make the movie match the expectations.
Allu Arjun looked all in new style with twisted mustache, ear ring, shades and hair-do like never before. The teaser was a super hit with Bunny uttering that Oora Mass dialogue and with Boyapati Seenu being the director, the mass expectations on movie have gone too high. And Allu Aravind being the producer, they say that he is sure to make the movie match the expectations.
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