Pawan Kalyan, Kajal's upcoming entertainer ‘Sardar Gabbar Singh’ directed by Bobby is racing for grand release on April, 8th. According to the latest, film makers will be wrapping the Switzerland schedule by today.
It is known that film makers have been shooting two romantic songs on Pawan and Kajal in the beautiful locations of Switzerland. At the sametime film's live editing has been underway and post- production is in final stages.
Devi Sri Prasad is the music director for the film which stars Raai Lakshmi, Sanjana, Sharad Khelkar, Kabir Duhan Singh in important roles. Film's pre release business is rocking and expectations are increasing on the film which is releasing in Telugu and Hindi.
It is known that film makers have been shooting two romantic songs on Pawan and Kajal in the beautiful locations of Switzerland. At the sametime film's live editing has been underway and post- production is in final stages.
Devi Sri Prasad is the music director for the film which stars Raai Lakshmi, Sanjana, Sharad Khelkar, Kabir Duhan Singh in important roles. Film's pre release business is rocking and expectations are increasing on the film which is releasing in Telugu and Hindi.
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