Likewise, for his upcoming film Oopiri, Nagarjuna is doing his bit to make the film another hit, although it is not his home production. Nag has attended Tamil version audio launch and is making it for press meets too. This shows his commitment to make the film- Thozha in Tamil and Oopiri in Telugu- another memorable one in his career.
Usually, heroes will hardly attend audio launch events. But, wherein Nagarjuna, he is even flying Chennai to take part in press meet and other promotional events for Thozha.
Oopiri audio was a chartbuster and trailer, teasers generated positive buzz. Furthermore, the film was reportedly appreciated by censor sleuths for feel good and celebrations kind atmosphere throughout.
Interim, the film is arriving to theaters on March 25th. Nagarjuna’s extra care will definitely be helpful for the film to rake grand openings.
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