Entire mega family celebrated Mega Star Chiranjeevi's daughter Srija's marriage held in his farm house at Bengaluru on March, 28th in a grand manner. The marriage which was a strictly private affair witnessed huge mega celebrations. Day before the marriage, mehendi function was organised and then grand sangeet.
In the sangeet, all mega family heroes spellbound all with their dances to mega star Chiranjeevi's hit songs. Infact Chiranjeevi himself danced with his daughter Sushmita for his hit number ‘Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju’.
Mega family heroes Ram Charan, Allu Arjun, Sai Dharam Tej, Varun Tej and Allu Sirish stole the hearts of all by dancing to ‘Gang Leader’ title song and Mega Star later appreciated them by giving a hug to everyone at the end of the song. Srija and Kalyan too dazzled dancing to Chiranjeevi's hit song ‘Abbanee Teeyani Debba’ .
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