Comedian Sunil has transformed as hero with films like Andhala Ramudu, Maryada Ramanna, Thadaka, Poolarangadu, Mr Pellikoduku and Krishnashtami, to name a few. Although he excelled as a comedian, his stint as hero took a beating on his career as majority of his films ended up as damp squibs in the recent past. According to our reliable sources, Chiranjeevi called up Sunil recently and spoke for around two hours about the necessity of the latter returning to his forte – comedy. Chiru gave a piece of advice to Sunil and offered him the role of a comedian in his 150th film, a remake of Kaththi. Buoyed with the offer, an exulted Sunil gave his acceptance to Chiru and assured the Megastar that he would take a call on his future prospects only after the release of Kaththi remake. To be directed by VV Vinayak, the much awaited film will be launched in the second week of April.
Sunil in Chiranjeevi 150th movie
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