Acton Naga Chaitanya starrer forthcoming drama “Saahasam Swasa Saagipo” is progressing at brisk pace under the direction of Gautham Menon. Recently makers have released the teaser and ‘Vellipomake’ song which has increased the hype for the success of the movie and audiences are eagerly waiting for its arrival. According to the latest update, makers are planning to release the movie on 27th May along its Tamil version which is titled as "Achcham Yenbadhu Madamaiyada".
The audio will be released in the last week of April and the music is scored by Oscar award winner A R Rahman. Actress Manjima Mohan is playing the love interest of Chaitu and she is making her screen presence in both Telugu and Tamil version. The movie is produced under the banner of Photon Kathaas. On the other side, currently Naga Chaitanya is busy in his next upcoming movie “Premam” which is near the completion and expected to released in June or July.
The audio will be released in the last week of April and the music is scored by Oscar award winner A R Rahman. Actress Manjima Mohan is playing the love interest of Chaitu and she is making her screen presence in both Telugu and Tamil version. The movie is produced under the banner of Photon Kathaas. On the other side, currently Naga Chaitanya is busy in his next upcoming movie “Premam” which is near the completion and expected to released in June or July.
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