Superstar Rajinikanth and Sensational director Shankar's sequel of their successful Robot, ‘2.0’ is progressing at rapid pace Director Shankar is known for his creative and zany ideas has shocked everyone with Akshay kumar’s make over.
To anyone's shock, actually Akshay will transform himself into a human-looking crow to fight Rajni. Leaked stills of this crow look from Delhi are making rounds in social networking sites. Take a look of the pic can you guess who the actor is. Believe it or not, its Akshay director Shankar turned such a good looking handsome actor into something totally unexpected. Akshay reportedly plays a scientist who becomes a crow when an experiment goes wrong.
Amy Jackson as the female lead in the movie which will be the costliest film ever made in Indian Cinema. Hollywood stunt master Kenny Bates has been roped into choreograph action scenes for this film produced under Lyca Productions banner.
Amy Jackson as the female lead in the movie which will be the costliest film ever made in Indian Cinema. Hollywood stunt master Kenny Bates has been roped into choreograph action scenes for this film produced under Lyca Productions banner.
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