Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao reportedly directed the Yadagirigutta Temple Development Authority (YTDA) to ground temple development works within a week. The Chief Minister held a review meeting with YTDA, district administration, temple administration, R&B and other officials to discuss the progress of the Yadagirigutta development works here on Thursday.
He presented “silk vastrams” to Sri Lakshminarasimha Swamy and his consort on the eve of Kalyanothsam. An officer attended the meeting said, the Chief Minister asked them to ground the works of ‘Bala Alayam’ and main temple works within a week.
He expressed anger at YTDA officials, holding them responsible for the delay in grounding the works. Discussing the progress of temple town development plan down the hill, Mr. Rao is learnt to have asked the R&B officials to design their own plan for the down hill project, when the officials complained to him about the non-co-operation from Raj Expedith Associates, the consultancy that has bagged work.
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