The Audio launch of Pawan Kalyan's 'Sardaar Gabbar Singh' ended on a high note and fans were raving the success of the Audio launch event. But in contradiction they were so upset with the trailer which was unveiled by Chiranjeevi.
In fact most fans commented on social medias that the editing cuts were poor and the dialogues were so mediocre. Even the resplendent Kajal Aggarwal looked so damp and dull. The only good thing was the final shot where Pawan Kalyan shows his trademark mannerism.
The official theatrical trailer was 2 minutes and 50 seconds and it was a big let down for fans. Pawan Kalyan himself appears after 1 minute and 22 seconds. Trailer shows huge action sequences and Pawan as Maverick cop. But still fans couldn't find anything impressive on the trailer.
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