Actor Suriya is waiting for the release of his forthcoming most awaited movie ‘24’ which is expected to release next month. Currently he is busy in his next upcoming action and romantic entertainer drama “S3”, Singam Series under the direction of Hari. After wrapping the shoot, Suriya will join the set of Trivikram’s untitled directorial venture and it will be bilingual movie which will be made in Tamil and Telugu. It is heard that the budget of the movie is estimated as Rs 100 Crores and S Radhakrishna will be producing the upcoming drama in both languages under his banner Haarika Haasini Creations. It is his fourth production with ace director Trivikram. Currently Trivikram is busy in his upcoming movie “A..Aa” starring Samantha and Nithin which is set to hit the theaters on 6th May.
100 Cr for Trivikram and Suriya movie
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