Power Star Pawan Kalyan's highly anticipated film Sardaar Gabbar Singh will have simultaneous release in Hindi on April 8th. So, the actor is giving interviews to Bollywood media. Apart from his own film, Pawan Kalyan is also talking about other topics like his likes, dislikes, politics, favorite stars, directors etc in these interviews.
In a fresh conversation with a popular Bollywood critic, Pawan Kalyan divulged that, he is a great fan of Amitabh Bachchan. "I have grown up watching his films. In a scene of music event in this film (Sardaar), I sang a song, mere angne mein, sung by Amitabh Bachchan," said Pawan Kalyan who is keen to work with Bollywood filmmakers Anurag Kashyap, Vishal Bhardwaj and Nishikant Kamat.
Pawan once again stated that, he is a fan of his brother Chiranjeevi in Telugu. He also revealed that, he likes NTR in old generation. "NTR's popularity can't be replicated," affirmed Pawan Kalyan.
Pawan Kalyan recently announced to retire from films, in order to focus on politics. Much delight to his fans, the actor now proclaimed to continue to work in films.
In a fresh conversation with a popular Bollywood critic, Pawan Kalyan divulged that, he is a great fan of Amitabh Bachchan. "I have grown up watching his films. In a scene of music event in this film (Sardaar), I sang a song, mere angne mein, sung by Amitabh Bachchan," said Pawan Kalyan who is keen to work with Bollywood filmmakers Anurag Kashyap, Vishal Bhardwaj and Nishikant Kamat.
Pawan once again stated that, he is a fan of his brother Chiranjeevi in Telugu. He also revealed that, he likes NTR in old generation. "NTR's popularity can't be replicated," affirmed Pawan Kalyan.
Pawan Kalyan recently announced to retire from films, in order to focus on politics. Much delight to his fans, the actor now proclaimed to continue to work in films.
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