Recently Allu Arvind, the producer of upcoming mass masala entertainer movie “Sarrainodu” starring Stylish Star Allu Arjun, Rakul Preet Singh and Catherine Tresa, interacted with media and revealed that Mega Star Chiranjeevi will grace the Pre-release event of Sarrainodu, which is going to be held on 10th April at RK beach, Vishakhapatnam. According to the latest update, Chiranjeevi is not able to adjust the date and this news is giving shocks to the film units and Allu Arjun. Now they have decided to invite others as Chief Guest. The official confirmation is awaited. The movie is directed by action specialist Boyapti Srinu and produced under the banner of Geetha Arts. Actress Anjali is shaking legs on item number. It is scheduled to hit the theaters on 22nd April in a very grand manner.
Chiru’s shocks to Allu Arjun
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