Ace director Rajmouli’s upcoming film ‘Baahubali’, The Conclusion which is a sequel of ‘Baahubali’, The Beginning is progressing at brisk pace. Currently makers are canning vital scenes on key roles in Ramoji Film City. As per latest news Rana is going to join the sets of this film in the last week of April.
Film stars Sudeep, Nazar, Ramya Krishna and others in important roles. Rajamouli is planning to wrap the entire shoot of ‘Baahubali 2’ in October. The post-production and VFX work will take another four months. Keeravani is the music director for the film which is slated for grand release on April, 14, 2017.
Film stars Sudeep, Nazar, Ramya Krishna and others in important roles. Rajamouli is planning to wrap the entire shoot of ‘Baahubali 2’ in October. The post-production and VFX work will take another four months. Keeravani is the music director for the film which is slated for grand release on April, 14, 2017.
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