Power Star Pawan Kalyan's kids from the marriage with his second wife Renu Desai, Akira Nandan and Aadhya are pretty famous among the fan groups. However, his younger daughter Polena with third wife Anna Lezhneva is not so popular since she hasn't come out for any public or private events, until the wedding ceremony of megastar Chiranjeevi's second daughter Srija.
When Anna Lezhneva was spotted at Srija's wedding event, it was a picture perfect frame, opined many. However, guests, media and several fans haven't noticed Polena at the same event. Now, a picture of the young kid in traditional attire playing with Allu Arjun's son, Allu Ayaan and other mega family kids is going viral in social media.
As per a grapevine, Pawan Kalyan named his younger daughter as Polena in a Church, going by the likes of Anna.
In the interim, Pawan Kalyan's much awaited flick Sardaar Gabbar Singh is all set for grand release worldwide on April 8th.
When Anna Lezhneva was spotted at Srija's wedding event, it was a picture perfect frame, opined many. However, guests, media and several fans haven't noticed Polena at the same event. Now, a picture of the young kid in traditional attire playing with Allu Arjun's son, Allu Ayaan and other mega family kids is going viral in social media.
As per a grapevine, Pawan Kalyan named his younger daughter as Polena in a Church, going by the likes of Anna.
In the interim, Pawan Kalyan's much awaited flick Sardaar Gabbar Singh is all set for grand release worldwide on April 8th.
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