Prabhas, Rana, Tamanna, Anushka's ‘Baahubali 2’ directed by Rajamouli is progressing at brisk pace in Hyderabad. Film's cast and crew is braving hot summer sun to complete the film and make it ready for release on April, 14th, 2017.
Rajamouli who is a tough task master decided to surprise his dedicated team by giving them cool delight. According to sources it is coming out that Rajamouli announced one month holiday.
For the last few days Rajamouli installed air coolers and conditioners to cool the temperatures but with mercury rising, he decided to have one month break to beat the summer heat.
Ramya Krishna, Satyaraj, Sudeep and Nassar are the other stars in the film for which music is scored by Keeravani.
Rajamouli who is a tough task master decided to surprise his dedicated team by giving them cool delight. According to sources it is coming out that Rajamouli announced one month holiday.
For the last few days Rajamouli installed air coolers and conditioners to cool the temperatures but with mercury rising, he decided to have one month break to beat the summer heat.
Ramya Krishna, Satyaraj, Sudeep and Nassar are the other stars in the film for which music is scored by Keeravani.
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