Power Star Pawan Kalyan's Sardar Gabbar Singh which recently hit the screens in a grand manner gave huge shock to fans, movie lovers and also to the buyers. Though the film got sensational response on the first show, negative talk killed everything. Many wondered what would have happened had the talk been at least average.
Distributors who know that hits and flops are common invested huge amounts in the film believing Power Star's stardom. Now they feel that since Pawan is one of the producers they will be given some compensation. Pawan who participated in film promotions later flew to Pune to spend with his children and first wife Renu Desai.
It is coming out that Pawan will return to Hyderabad next week. Later he will concentrate on his next project under SJ.Suryah's direction. In the meantime distributors met and decided to contact Pawan Kalyan and demand justice for them.
However Pawan Kalyan already made it clear in interviews that he is not financially strong and he is unable to pay his office bills. Now it has to be seen what will be the result of Secret discussions in Pawan's farm house in the coming days?
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