Hot beauty Hansika always has six films in hand and simultaneously shoots for them in Kollywood planning her call sheets accordingly. When asked why she reduced signing films in Tamil, she said she did many glamour roles and so decided not to do similar roles and rejected them. She said in Tollywood too she is getting only glamour roles without any scope for performance.
She added she love to star opposite top stars like Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan but wondered why she will get the golden opportunity. She said she rejected only Simbu's film and donot need to share the reasons with everyone.
She said she is not scared of ghosts and she did only two films. She added if she believes in ghosts she gets scared but she donot believe them.
She added she love to star opposite top stars like Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan but wondered why she will get the golden opportunity. She said she rejected only Simbu's film and donot need to share the reasons with everyone.
She said she is not scared of ghosts and she did only two films. She added if she believes in ghosts she gets scared but she donot believe them.
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