Bollywood leading actress Deepika Padukone, who recently expressed her desire that if she will get the opportunity to act in Tollywood movie, she will never leave the opportunities. Finally her desire is going to be fulfilled by creative and talented film maker SS Rajamouli. If ongoing buzz in media circle and film industry is to be believed, then Bajirao Mastani actress Deepika has been roped for historic and war saga “Baahubali 2” to play the role of cameo. Currently movie is progressing at brisk pace and makers have wrapped nearly 60 percent of the shoot.
It is heard that Rajamouli introduced a powerful role in the script and Deepika is suitable for that character. The official confirmation is yet to be made. The movie starring Rebel Star Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka and Tamannah Bhatia. The makers are planning to release the movie on 14th April 2017 in a very grand manner.
It is heard that Rajamouli introduced a powerful role in the script and Deepika is suitable for that character. The official confirmation is yet to be made. The movie starring Rebel Star Prabhas, Rana Daggubati, Anushka and Tamannah Bhatia. The makers are planning to release the movie on 14th April 2017 in a very grand manner.
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