Young Tiger Jr NTR has been struggling to deliver a true blockbuster. Simhadri was the last big hit in NTR's career, although few films like Yamadonga, Brindavanam, Baadshah, Temper and Nannaku Prematho made above average business. The Baadshah star keeps many hopes on his upcoming film Janatha Garage directed by Koratala Siva. The film release has a connection with NTR's previous movie Yamadonga.
The makers of Janatha Garage are planning to release their movie on August 12th. In unison, NTR's hit film Yamadonga was also released in the same month- on August 15th in 2007. Yamadonga was the last film in NTR-Rajamouli combination. The film was a profit maker, but not up to the mark. Now, NTR is expecting to deliver a biggest blockbuster in his career with Janatha Garage.
The makers of Janatha Garage are planning to release their movie on August 12th. In unison, NTR's hit film Yamadonga was also released in the same month- on August 15th in 2007. Yamadonga was the last film in NTR-Rajamouli combination. The film was a profit maker, but not up to the mark. Now, NTR is expecting to deliver a biggest blockbuster in his career with Janatha Garage.
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